Wednesday 31 August 2016

Investment Choices

So, I know I'm buying a house at the moment, but if I wasn't do you want to know where I'd be putting my money?

I'd put 10k aside for emergencies and then I'd put the rest into a share portfolio.

I know shares seem risky and hard to figure out. I know they make headlines - "Investors lose thousands!" etc. But what they don't tell you is that if you bet on the good horses, then you make money.

For example: I bought 4 different shares. 3 were great choices, 1 wasn't. I'm still on top. The good choices are making me 9-14%, the bad choice lost me $300. Now I'm not playing with big money (I don't have it). I'm just putting in a thousand here and six hundred there. I read Motley Fool and the Barefoot Investor. I like Barefoot better but can't subscribe due to tight finances for the next 6 months.

Now don't just rush out and buy whatever. Always research, always make sure it's a good bet, and most of the time that wins through.

I would highly recommend it. It beats the 1.95% you can earn in "high interest" savings accounts, and it's a lot more fun.