Saturday 18 June 2016

The Easiest Way to Save

I have found one of the easiest ways to save. I am a little obsessive or compulsive sometimes. I think most people are to some degree. For example, I like to use even numbers or numbers ending in 5, whenever I have a choice.

Do you know what I thought of one day? I thought, I can do this with my money. I can move my spending money into my savings account to make it even. I can increase it in tiny fragments, that I will never miss so that it looks pretty. And then I thought, huh, that might also save me a little money.

I also run this scheme in reverse. You know how you have $324.33 in your bank account and because your brain is lazy it says, eh it's about $300 in there. I say, well fine brain, you're exactly right it is EXACTLY $300 and I remove the $24.33. It gets saved along with my regular contribution of payments to my future self. Now it's only $24.33 right? No big deal. But if I do that each fortnight I'm paid that is $632.58 a year that I've accidentally saved.

If you do that for each transaction - or say once a week - you shave off, let's say $12.35, that's $642.20. FOR TWELVE MEASLY DOLLARS A WEEK. So if you plan to save $5000 a year all of a sudden, with this trick you have nearly $6000. It's a big deal as a total but not in those tiny increments.

Trust me - most of the time you won't even notice it's gone.

Property Investment Group

So, in researching ways to invest I happened upon the Australian Property Investment Group. If this group is all they claim, they provide mentors to young investors to assist them in choosing properties and helping them make investment decisions.

I have joined and had a call from my mentor, she seems nice. She let me know that the group allows you access to research into the best investment areas, they connect you with mortgage brokers and conveyancers to assist you in the purchase. It sounds too good to be true to me. But I guess we shall see.