Saturday 18 June 2016

The Easiest Way to Save

I have found one of the easiest ways to save. I am a little obsessive or compulsive sometimes. I think most people are to some degree. For example, I like to use even numbers or numbers ending in 5, whenever I have a choice.

Do you know what I thought of one day? I thought, I can do this with my money. I can move my spending money into my savings account to make it even. I can increase it in tiny fragments, that I will never miss so that it looks pretty. And then I thought, huh, that might also save me a little money.

I also run this scheme in reverse. You know how you have $324.33 in your bank account and because your brain is lazy it says, eh it's about $300 in there. I say, well fine brain, you're exactly right it is EXACTLY $300 and I remove the $24.33. It gets saved along with my regular contribution of payments to my future self. Now it's only $24.33 right? No big deal. But if I do that each fortnight I'm paid that is $632.58 a year that I've accidentally saved.

If you do that for each transaction - or say once a week - you shave off, let's say $12.35, that's $642.20. FOR TWELVE MEASLY DOLLARS A WEEK. So if you plan to save $5000 a year all of a sudden, with this trick you have nearly $6000. It's a big deal as a total but not in those tiny increments.

Trust me - most of the time you won't even notice it's gone.

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